Random Thoughts

In case you need some clothing to inspire your writing, consider these awesome threads. My favorite is the Charlotte's Web tee. What's yours?
If you need some new hipster glasses, this is a cheap website: http://www.zennioptical.com
My favorite kid quote for the week: "Mom, I think my brain has a mind of its own." -my son
Name the baby penguin at the Little Rock Zoo! http://www.littlerockzoo.com/nameourbaby


  1. the awesomest thing about being stuck in bed all day with vertigo is that when your son comes into your room, sweetly saying, "mom, i love you," then hurls saliva-drenched spit wads in your face through the end of a straw, and you can't flinch or move away--you just take it...apparently, it makes for great mother-son bonding moments...who would've thunk...and that was my day today. sobeit. #targetpractice ;)

  2. chinese kids win the gold for best meltdowns #justsayin
