Monday, April 8, 2013

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the results are in!

Today is a good day. Today is a very good day if you are a parent of a dyslexic child. Today is a good day if you ARE a dyslexic child. Why? Because the House passed the dyslexia bill just about an hour ago!
If you'd like to give yourself nightmares just imagine me doing the MC Hammer typewriter dance in front of my laptop as I watched the voting live online. That will give you just an INKLING of my excitement!
Today, progress was made in a bIG WAY.

Still dancing a jig or three or six.
Would you like to see the voting stats?
The bill reminds me of my recent wrestling with my Rubik's's not perfect...yet...but it IS progress!


  1. Those stats could be better-I can't believe anyone could vote against it!!

    So glad that it passed anyway. :) I think this is a great step toward helping Arkansan children and families. :)

  2. This is such great news! It's definitely a step in the right direction. It'll also be beneficial in your grant writing to show that Arkansas is in the process of changing.

    That Rubik's cube looks better than anything I could do.
