Thursday, April 18, 2013

making history...again...

Don't think I can make it to class this morning. I am working on an invitation to a balloon releasing ceremony to celebrate the passage of the dyslexia bill. Something that needs to go out ASAP.

Yesterday, a special committee met to determine whether they would allow such an event to take place. Apparently, nothing like this has occurred before. A vote was taken and we were approved 3 hays to one nay. (Isn't there always one party pooper?) ;)

So, here's what I have so far:

Is it too busy?? I am by NO means a graphic designer! I really don't know how to use Illustrator or Photoshop; I sort of just limp along always feeling like I could be doing these much better and faster. 
So, please critique away!

I think the ampersand is too big on the right balloon and I feel like the "join us on the steps and celebrate" on the right balloon is awkward or redundant or something. I will probs change to "Join us by releasing balloons to celebrate the newly passed dyslexia law" or something like that.

My favorite part about the event is that (I think I mentioned how I initially planned to do a Spell It Out campaign which is basically participating in the global Inside Out Project that Meleah (sp?) will do (hopefully for reals). However, we didn't want to upload the pics of children with their names, so we held off). 
The owner of Hall Helium Balloons (in Morrilton, I think) cried when he heard about what we wanted to do--because he is dyslexic. He offered to graciously DONATE all of the helium balloons for the event and WILL PRINT THE PICS OF OUR DYSLEXIC KIDS ON THE BALLOONS[!]...
So in a way, my Spell It Out campaign dream will still come to fruition! 

Literally, on May 5th at 3pm, Arkansas' dyslexic kids ARE GOING TO SOAR! This celebration will mark the opportunity dyslexic kids now have to SOAR to their full potential in Arkansas schools! I have heard the governor and Senator Elliott will be in attendance though that isn't confirmed YET. ;)

Well, I must get back to frantically working on this press release, invite, and newsletter that need to go out ASAP. 

Quick update on my proposal since I'm missing the last peer review:
I decided to ditch my fundraiser project since it is moot now that the law has been signed. Thinking about how to support dyslexic kids once they learn to read through receiving the interventions they deserve in schools---my new project will request funds for supplying dyslexic appropriate leveled readers to every elementary school and public library branch in Faulkner County to ensure that every library is dyslexia-friendly. 

Once these kids become grade level readers, the library should not continue be a place of confusion, exclusion, and isolation. It should be a place where confidence, acknowledgement of disabilities, inclusion, and encouragement thrive.  On Monday night, I conceived a three-phase plan to better support dyslexic children in our libraries. :) Hopefully it is something that The Dyslexia Project could actually acquire a grant for and implement. 

On a side note, I have heard nothing from TDP's parent organization regarding the budget information I've requested from them. My funder, the WRF requests a project budget (which I am creating), an organizational budget narrative, AND currently audited financials. Ack! 
Without hearing back from Community Connections, I am up a creek because I can't even create something based on their last Annual Report as TDP was not yet in existence at that time. :/ I predict the budget section will be the weakest part of my proposal. 

Okay, seriously, gotta run and get back to real-world work! ;) Did I mention that I will probably continue working for TDP? They've asked me to continue some of the things I've worked on in my internship. Still have to work out some kinks---like PAY, but doing advocacy writing is probably exactly what I want to be doing. I love it! So, because this is a job, I feel the need to (how do you say "ditch" without giving it a trying-to-get-out-of-class tone?) ditch today.

Okay, REALLY gotta run! Let me know what you think of the invite and whether it needs to be more minimalistic---you've probs guessed that minimalism isn't my thing, but I respect the need for it (occasionally!) ;)


  1. How about "Join us to celebrate dyslexia law"? That way, you don't say "steps" twice. I'm glad you sent this post when you did. Make sure you go to the writing center for peer response since you're missing today. And, I'm glad to hear you may continue working for TDP!

  2. (Jordan King) That is so amazing that the balloon guy was so moved by your campaign! And I really like the flyers - I think they reflect the energy of the event :)
