Thursday, April 25, 2013

This is my reflection

Well, it is finally finished. Maybe some of you felt the way I did leaving class today after turning in THE MIGHTY GRANT PROPOSAL PROJECT: nauseous/relieved/disappointed/hopeful? No?
Well, at least I did and do fully believe that it is possible to feel all of those things at once.

Let's start with nauseous and disappointed, shall we? Why did I feel that way? Because I am afraid my 4.0 streak might actually be broken now. And that is a real bummer...even the possibility REALLY bums me out. I sort of felt like the train wreck story we've been hearing about all semester, you know, the one with a lady who poured her soul's blood into a proposal, but she misses the deadline for her by like one minute. She loses her job because her org's largest source of funding just went down the drain and so she goes to the grocery store and buys two dozen cupcakes, throws on some dirty sweat pants, eats them all in one sitting, then she passes out from the sugar coma. She wakes up five years later realizing she's a cat lady.

Well, I didn't do all that. But, I just had this strong sense of finality. There are some parts to my proposal that I really liked. I spent too much time on them. I feel like it has been rehearsed between my ears so much and then written so many times that I am just constituted with it. I could present it for sure.  No doubt I wrote 26 different versions of each 200 word limit paragraph. But, I know I defs could've made my project better. I paid too much attention to the big stuff and not enough to the small pointless questions like: address, phone number, etc. I knew this would be my downfall too.

I know for sure that if this had been real, I would NOT be awarded money because there defs would be a better grant proposal out there. So, that's final. Like we've learned in class, you may have great writing, but if the proposal is late or does have something missing-you're out. I think I just sort of had that kind of feeling today. It sort of felt more real world than any writing project has for me so far.

Relieved and hopeful. I don't believe I need to explain the relief part because I'm sure we ALL felt that. Hopeful because though this project was challenging, though I'm not completely satisfied with my work, though my gpa may drop--I realize about myself that I don't always get things right the first time. I really do learn by trial and error. I told you in the beginning that I was a late bloomer and I meant that. I know I am up for a challenge. I am confident I've learned what I needed to learn about grant writing.  I am satisfied in knowing that though this project leaves me somewhat disappointed in the execution department, I won't shy away from grant writing. I WILL get it. I WILL. It defs won't be next week. I need a break. However, I will face this monster again and I will conquer it.

I tried a few years ago to use Mailchimp in my small business. I just could not figure it out. I found Mailchimp to be uber intimidating, so I gave up (but never REALLY gave up). So, when this semester's internship rolled around, I made it one of my goals to learn and use Mailchimp. Loving to challenge myself, I spent hours upon hours this semester learning the ins and outs. Though not an expert, I would say, I now know Mailchimp. It feels good. I don't mind being defeated initially (aside from affecting my gpa streak--that is painful) because I know that I do better on defense than offense anyway. I thrive on defense. So, if there is a hot guy named Grant Writing, let's just say I've got his number and I'll be calling. Oh. Yes. I will be calling and he will be mine. So, yeah, hopeful. ;)

And now, I must tie up a few loose ends:
Tyromancy is divination using curdled cheese. So, yes, a cheesy hobby of sorts. Just going by memory on this one because I can't find the source anymore...

What rhymes with month? A hunth or a hundred thousand as in, "I requested a hunth in my grant proposal and got none of it therefore I eat 24 cupcakes at a time."

What rhymes with silver: chilver (female lamb) and dicky dilver, a British nickname for the periwinkle flower.

Purple? Curple, hirple, and turple, even besperple.

Orange? Pretty much just botanical terms such as: sporange, hypnosporange, macrosporange, and megasporange.
Source: Where a Dobdob meets a Dikdik by Bill Casselman

I hope you all have a wonderful summer. In just one week I am flying solo to DC for 10 days of vacay where I'll be visiting a newborn and old friends and forgetting about writing altogether! WOOHOO!  I plan to ENJOY my hobby as much as possible: photography!

I recently had to dump pics onto an external hard drive to make space on my computer and seeing old pics I've taken made me so excited for vacation!
I haven't really enjoyed photography since I moved here and I'm looking forward to getting back into it. AR has great photog spots I just haven't had the chance yet to shoot!
Oh, shoot, I almost forgot to post this:

for those who have difficulty believing my fave food is butter. ;) That's my dining room table in the background, btw. ;)
And now, I must get back to this:
with Zorro, the cutest yorkie poo ever, or he will be jealous. He's considering writing a book, you know. Something like Honest Toddler, only for spoiled little doggies. ;)
Nicolle ;)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

(This is not my reflection)

To all the classmates who work on the Vortex. Just wanted to send you a shout out. I picked up the latest yesterday and was so impressed. It looks really great, so good job to you all!

Anyway, I am looking forward to reading the Vortex once projects are over! ;) Great job, guys! Everyone else should defs pick up their copy today!

On a side note, I looked up the Vortex and saw that you guys had a free Wix website...NOOOOOOO! This can't be! We've got to get you a real website! With all your writing talent...we've got to get you a more legit website... ;)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

making history...again...

Don't think I can make it to class this morning. I am working on an invitation to a balloon releasing ceremony to celebrate the passage of the dyslexia bill. Something that needs to go out ASAP.

Yesterday, a special committee met to determine whether they would allow such an event to take place. Apparently, nothing like this has occurred before. A vote was taken and we were approved 3 hays to one nay. (Isn't there always one party pooper?) ;)

So, here's what I have so far:

Is it too busy?? I am by NO means a graphic designer! I really don't know how to use Illustrator or Photoshop; I sort of just limp along always feeling like I could be doing these much better and faster. 
So, please critique away!

I think the ampersand is too big on the right balloon and I feel like the "join us on the steps and celebrate" on the right balloon is awkward or redundant or something. I will probs change to "Join us by releasing balloons to celebrate the newly passed dyslexia law" or something like that.

My favorite part about the event is that (I think I mentioned how I initially planned to do a Spell It Out campaign which is basically participating in the global Inside Out Project that Meleah (sp?) will do (hopefully for reals). However, we didn't want to upload the pics of children with their names, so we held off). 
The owner of Hall Helium Balloons (in Morrilton, I think) cried when he heard about what we wanted to do--because he is dyslexic. He offered to graciously DONATE all of the helium balloons for the event and WILL PRINT THE PICS OF OUR DYSLEXIC KIDS ON THE BALLOONS[!]...
So in a way, my Spell It Out campaign dream will still come to fruition! 

Literally, on May 5th at 3pm, Arkansas' dyslexic kids ARE GOING TO SOAR! This celebration will mark the opportunity dyslexic kids now have to SOAR to their full potential in Arkansas schools! I have heard the governor and Senator Elliott will be in attendance though that isn't confirmed YET. ;)

Well, I must get back to frantically working on this press release, invite, and newsletter that need to go out ASAP. 

Quick update on my proposal since I'm missing the last peer review:
I decided to ditch my fundraiser project since it is moot now that the law has been signed. Thinking about how to support dyslexic kids once they learn to read through receiving the interventions they deserve in schools---my new project will request funds for supplying dyslexic appropriate leveled readers to every elementary school and public library branch in Faulkner County to ensure that every library is dyslexia-friendly. 

Once these kids become grade level readers, the library should not continue be a place of confusion, exclusion, and isolation. It should be a place where confidence, acknowledgement of disabilities, inclusion, and encouragement thrive.  On Monday night, I conceived a three-phase plan to better support dyslexic children in our libraries. :) Hopefully it is something that The Dyslexia Project could actually acquire a grant for and implement. 

On a side note, I have heard nothing from TDP's parent organization regarding the budget information I've requested from them. My funder, the WRF requests a project budget (which I am creating), an organizational budget narrative, AND currently audited financials. Ack! 
Without hearing back from Community Connections, I am up a creek because I can't even create something based on their last Annual Report as TDP was not yet in existence at that time. :/ I predict the budget section will be the weakest part of my proposal. 

Okay, seriously, gotta run and get back to real-world work! ;) Did I mention that I will probably continue working for TDP? They've asked me to continue some of the things I've worked on in my internship. Still have to work out some kinks---like PAY, but doing advocacy writing is probably exactly what I want to be doing. I love it! So, because this is a job, I feel the need to (how do you say "ditch" without giving it a trying-to-get-out-of-class tone?) ditch today.

Okay, REALLY gotta run! Let me know what you think of the invite and whether it needs to be more minimalistic---you've probs guessed that minimalism isn't my thing, but I respect the need for it (occasionally!) ;)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the results are in!

Today is a good day. Today is a very good day if you are a parent of a dyslexic child. Today is a good day if you ARE a dyslexic child. Why? Because the House passed the dyslexia bill just about an hour ago!
If you'd like to give yourself nightmares just imagine me doing the MC Hammer typewriter dance in front of my laptop as I watched the voting live online. That will give you just an INKLING of my excitement!
Today, progress was made in a bIG WAY.

Still dancing a jig or three or six.
Would you like to see the voting stats?
The bill reminds me of my recent wrestling with my Rubik's's not perfect...yet...but it IS progress!

R.I.P., Iron Lady

The world has lost a great lady. She was a true leader--the kind that stands up and inspires in the face of hardship and tragedy and even times of peril. A bona fide icon representing just how far a modern woman can go, she was so proud of being a woman.
 I love that she was a chemist. I love that she was called, "Iron Lady." Today, as I'm saddened that the death of Hugo Chavez was more popular in the headlines, and as I'm still trying to iron out this grant writing project, and as I'm waiting for caffeine to kick in--I'm inspired by some of her quotes. 
I'm sharing because when put into the context of this blog--each one is so relevant to the grant writing process, enjoy:
(or write more than one grant to get an award!)

Below, this is inspiration for making a tight argument in your proposals:
Taking pride in your work:
Ha! Running a nonprof is a lot like this, am I right? (which is why grant writers stay in-demand). 

Happy grant writing, guys, and happy Monday. ;)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

To 50 Foundations Awarding Grants In Arkansas

Well, I think most of you know what you are doing by now for grants, but I just came across this while doing some research, so I thought I'd share.
It is from around 2010, so I don't know if it is even mostly accurate now, but anyway, here is the list:

Also, I thought this was interesting: America's 50 Most Generous Donors of 2012

Have a great day! ;)