Saturday, February 16, 2013

What's love got to do with it?

Well, this week some of the world celebrated Valentine's day. I always thought it was such an awkward holiday myself (ugly babies flying around with bows and arrows and people getting ugly heart shaped boxes of fake chocolate?)--especially for those in budding relationships. What is worse than the stress of wondering whether you've been in some sort of "relationship" long enough to exchange love/romance-based gifts? Like, uh, should you get your beau of three weeks those silk boxers with lips on them? Doesn't matter because if you get them and he doesn't get you anything-it's gonna be a bad time. And, if he gets you something and you don't get him anything-then you feel like a schmuck don't you? Yes. You. Do. So, basically, it's awkward either way.

Having been married 15 and then some years and not celebrating Valentine's day for any of them--I wouldn't even know what the standard procedure is anymore for handling those types of situations. My husband and I tend to be sort of anti-most holidays--especially one which probably originated with some sort of agreement between Milton Hershey, Hallmark, and the American Greetings Card Company!
Though I must admit I appreciate this witty post on fb on the 14th was: 
"Happy vaLINtine's day."  ;)
You may be wondering where I am going with this post; I am too! I knew a few hours ago when I was walking the dog and watching five kids (not all mine) at the park! I think something triggered my thoughts about gold digging girls wanting to find a sugar daddy and that made me think of fundraising and "looking for love" in the form of donors...
Oh! Yes, it's coming back to me! It made me think of the anti-gold diggers too...those who believe they'll just "live on love." And just as love will not pay the bills, honey, I'm sorry to tell you...when it comes to fundraising and nonprofs...good hearts and great causes certainly don't pay the bills either. 
What I mean is that it simply isn't enough to have a great cause. Fundraising really is a must! And did you know (looking at the title of this post) that Tina Turner will soon be trading in her U.S. citizenship? 
And since I'm on the topic of love and asian vaLINtines...I'll let you in on a little asian romance I happen to currently be involved in...I just happen to be making LOVE--RIGHT's not what you think--get your mind out of the gutter! L-O-V-E in the form of boba! Any boba lovers out there?? 71 minutes to go--not that I'm counting or anything! In my opinion boba is almost as good as bacon and my favorite food: BUTTER. Almost. 

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