Sunday, February 17, 2013

if you haven't already posted a harlem shake video you might as well be planking.

ways to keep your nonprofit relevant...#opportunemoments...#trending...#goingviral...#keepingup
so, quick! figure out how your cause relates to the beloved matthew crawley #downtonPBS or you'll be all left in the dust again...

(this one's my fave)


  1. You actually make a good point. Nonprofits have to work to stay relevant and up to date with what's "popular". Trends come and go so quickly with the internet that it can actually be a real struggle to keep charities in the forefront of the public mind.
    Anyway, here's a video of some UCA fraternity boys doing the Harlem Shake in the name of "Greek Unity". I've watched it about 16 times since Monday.

  2. (Jordan King) A Harlem Shake video by a nonprofit is a brilliant idea - sort of a "jump on a bandwagon to get people on your bandwagon" move. I thought it was interesting that Jill Imboden said that Twitter is a challenge for Bethlehem House, but it's great that the nonprofit is working on expanding onto the relatively new social network. I would recommend Grovo ( to anyone or any nonprofit trying to stay relevant and up-to-date on popular online media.

  3. I was equally surprised that Twitter is so difficult for people to lay hold of. Makes me feel like I'm missing something--like maybe I'm not using twitter correctly...?
    Will check out your rec about Grovo as I do ALL of your recs! You should definitely have a website where you just share info like this with the're such an information hub!!!
