Sunday, February 10, 2013

Went home last Thursday and designed's part of something I've got up my sleeve...deets coming soon! ;)


  1. (Jordan King) This looks great! I just wanted to share a tool that could be useful for getting the word out about The Dyslexia Project or SB33. It's called Thunderclap ( People pledge Facebook posts and Tweets for your cause, and once you reach your goal, all the posts are released at once. This can create trending topics on Twitter and a steady stream of publicity on Facebook feeds. Just thought you might be able to use it!

  2. I agree with Jordan, Nicolle. Good design. It's so important to brand your project.

  3. This is very neat. You did a wonderful job with putting faces to your project.

  4. Thanks, Jordan, for the suggestion--you know I love it when you offer me info! ;)

    Thanks y'all! ;)
