Wednesday, January 23, 2013

grammarians: beware!

just so you know...if you are a stickler for these...and these...and these...and these...and are gonna have a bad time reading my blog.

because i heart them! ;) i.e. i am your worst nightmare.

you see, i partied through nearly every english class i've ever been in; diagramming sentences is not my hobby--i'd rather floss with a candle wick! and yet, here i am my thirties...just recently having "found myself"...on my last and FINAL major (after nearly 200 credits taken and several major changes)--WRITING! ). its been a long haul. i deserve to laugh at myself (i'm probably even laughing at you!) kidding.

i write the way i talk (and think), and i talk with my hands, so when i write...well, i need some way know...toss my hands around in the air.

because blogging, in general, has a personal and casual feel to it--you're gonna get my're defs gonna get my bad grammar!

i will attempt to lessen the pain as much as possible, but i cannot make any guarantees, so if you have to  read my blog to fulfill requirements for class and my punctuation bothers you, perhaps you could sit in the writing lab...reading where you'll be surrounded by others who might feel your pain and can give you a sympathetic shoulder rub, dot your tears with kleenex, and squeeze your hand. and if you were so compelled, you may even want to buy me this, because i really love them all--literally!

i apologize, in advance, but i cannot afford to pay any therapy bills. please take advantage of the free services UCA has to offer. ;) would it help it i brought these?

Don't be a hater... ;)


  1. Despite the lack of capitalization, this post was awesome. I can do grammar, but I cannot work blog magic like you just did. Bravo!

  2. Hollis,
    Thank you so much! My apologies for the lack of capitalization...I guess I was sort of being EXTRA drama queen when I wrote this post. Most of the time, I do capitalize; although that is a big problem with dyslexics, so I can't guarantee I won't do it now and again to make a point or two about dyslexia. Overall, that will be kept to a minimum, so take a deep breath. ;)

    I am especially comforted in discovering that although you possess superior grammar skills something was enjoyed in spite of my drama/need for serious grammar tutoring! ;)
