Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yesterday was a good day!

Yesterday, SB33 passed unanimously in the Senate Education Committee!!!!
Check out the amended bill here.

I'm so happy!

The bill will now go for vote tomorrow or Monday and if it passes, which it is looking like it will since it picked up about another 25 cosponsors (woot woot!) it should go to the House Ed Committee on Tuesday.

I know many have bones to pick with Senator Jason Rapert, but I have to admit to sending him a Twitter shout out last night as he spoke up for dyslexics and for the bill yesterday. I have contacted him about dyslexia many times since October. My experience with contacting legislators is limited to dyslexia and homeschool issues thus far, but I have to say that legislators do listen. They may not agree or bow to our every position on issues, but I believe they take it to heart when constituents spend the time to make personal contact (versus mass email blasts that go straight to the trash folders).

Previous Senator, Gilbert Baker (now, a UCA employee) gave me a few tips on contacting legislators:

  • Face to face appointments go a long way
  • Next best thing is a telephone call
  • An personal email or letter--not one that is reads like a form letter that you sent to the whole assembly or didn't even write yourself will also go a long way
  • Be respectful 
  • Be brief--legislators don't have a lot of time--if you take care of the time--they will be more likely to want to hear from you again
  • He also shared that many of our legislators are new (freshmen) so it's a great time to contact them. They are still learning the ropes and are more impressionable. 
So, if you feel strongly about something about it. Contact your legislator. It's our right. It's our obligation. 
Squeaky wheels get the grease! (theoretically anyway)


  1. (Jordan King) That is so exciting - congrats! I am glad to hear that our state politicians are recognizing the need that you and so many other parents, guardians and educators see on a daily basis!

  2. That is awesome! I agree with Jordan!
    And I also really like that you point out the fact that it is our obligation to get on the ball about contacting legislators. Good point!

  3. Thanks!
    Hannah, I think one way to do so at least in a small way is through Twitter! I contact Arne Duncan all the time! ;) I don't know how effective it is, but I know I'd probs be too intimidated to contact him by writing a letter. Even if it isn't really him tweeting--at least whoever it is will be realizing that dyslexia is an important issue to followers...
