Thursday, March 14, 2013

Shut your Pi hole! Sorry. No. Can. Do.

I don't know about you all, but this week (okay, really the last 2-3 weeks have just been unBEARable).
The group project in my Tech Writing Class that (like we discussed in class today about collaboration) ended up being nearly a solo project and nearly about killed me.
The fundraising project was equally challenging. As those of you probably observed as I ambled into class with half of my locks in a bun and half of them looking a fright. Or maybe it wasn't until you noticed I was brushing my teeth with one of those little disposable toothbrushes? (So glad I keep those things in my car!) That said, I feel as though I am embarking on this grant writing project with a wounded self-confidence and a leg wound that is oozing green puss...
Essentially, I'm a hot mess counting the days till the end of the semester. Spring break couldn't come soon enough!
The thing I'd like to insert right [here] is: those of you who are not a non-traditional student---enjoy these days! I'm not stereotyping here and I KNOW you all work, but just enjoy going to school while you don't have little dependents running around and like-depending on you. In review, I am disappointed in my project and wish I had about another week to work on the writing. Enjoy that your parents are most likely too young to need you so much while you're in school. Enjoy not having to work a second shift and a third shift. I'm not whining about my life. I'm just saying this--you're life never will be as simple as it is now. Enjoy it. Enjoy taking a nap in the middle of the day or sleeping in or not having to juggle playdates and gymnastics and doctor appointments for little ones on top of doing these projects. Many of you can just ENJOY the awesomeness that being a student is. I love it! But it isn't easy doing the juggling thing. Right now you have time dedicated to's SO cool! Just enjoy it and don't wish you were further down the road in life. ;)
I'm doing some self-reflection (which is probs not good since I've had only three hours of sleep!). Thinking about how to maximize my down time on spring break...What are your plans?

I've pulled out some books that I wish to read. Most likely they'll sit on the coffee table for 7 months now that I've gotten them out...only to return to the shelf, neglected. I LOVE books...I just don't really like reading! In fact I really hate it. My 10 yr old reads faster than me. Needless to say I always have a ton of books on my to-do list. I think I really just like titles. I can read a LOT of those! Too bad they're not as cheap as books! ;)
Other plans: I might make a chandelier out of spoons and forks and funky utensils I've been collecting...I might paint a picture? I have a huge canvas I've been wanting to paint my kids onto...I painted my sister and her children (ha!) over the winter break...I had never painted before and I discovered it was really fun...
I could see myself doing MORE research about dyslexia...the answer is YES I am getting very sick of dyslexia! However, I sort of developed this Erin Brockovich (who just so happens to be dyslexic!) alter ego...I can't help feeling like there is some sort of corrupt reason why we don't take care of dyslexics. The first school for dyslexics was founded over 80 years ago---so we knew something about it that long ago---yet we still are not doing anything about it??? So, I just keep digging and digging and digging and digging...That's why I asked today--how do you know when to STOP when researching grants...I keep thinking, "maybe it's under this next rock, nope just bugs."

Maybe do some gardening? Practice some origami? I've always wanted to learn! I bought my son a few books; last week we make Chinese stars and blocks you blow air into. Exciting right?
Most of all I will just enjoy being with my family and doing NOTHING. Right now, staring at a wall for hours sounds like a great time too!

I leave you with a few random thoughts/questions--some things to ponder over spring break:
1. What is tyromancy? Don't assume it's merely some cheesy hobby!
2. What rhymes with: purple, month, silver, and orange? Wouldn't you think it'd be easier to think of something to rhyme with these everyday words??? I've only thought about it because I bought this weird book (told you!) on weird words and read the first five or so pages...(which reminds me, I should go get that book and add it to the stack on the coffee table!).
Have a great spring break, you guys! Relax, have fun, and be safe!
I'm feeling kind of weepy now saying goodbye (I really need to go to bed!) I think it is because I'm thinking about The Office and how it's coming to an end...(and I'm sure I'll watch a million episodes on spring break too!) One of my favorite blog posts I've ever written was about beets! Go figure! ;) Anyway, I will leave you with a funny quote from "Kevin" from The Office since it is Pi Day (hence the title of this post). Gee, I am really liking parentheses today. Maybe they are reminding me of pillows and going to bed or something. Yes, I retweeted. ;)

3. Do you think crocs could be a cheaper form of birth control and cause fewer side effects? Oh! Back to the random thoughts.
Well, by for real this time...have a great break, guys! ;) and happy pi day.


  1. (Jordan King) I really like most parts of college, and I genuinely enjoy time that is dedicated to learning. I feel that in the past, people graduated and then had to decide whether they would get a job or do more schooling. I am so excited about free online classes offered through Coursera and companies like it - we can have jobs and further our educations without having to spend all of our paychecks!

  2. Jordan,
    Have you heard about this guy who did a Computer Science at MIT course load (including all the projects) in just 12 months by taking free courses...The only things he bought were the textbooks and I suppose the project supplies as well...AND he's a writer, so you might find this interesting...

    Since this goes along with the content of my post I'll also tell you that I purchased the book he recommends for improving your reading speed! ;)

  3. Reading this, I just want to buy you a cup of coffee!! My mom married young and had me and my younger brother running around while she was still working on her B.A. By the time she did grad school my little sister was around, too! I know from watching her pull her hair out more than a bit that the mom/wife/working woman/student combo is rough! I think you've done a great job with it so far though. If I hadn't read this post, I wouldn't have known how crazy things were! Hopefully Spring Break gives you a chance to recharge.

    I totally understand the Erin Brokovich complez! Diving in to El Zocalo to write the Needs/Problem statement was absolutely heartbreaking. There are so many people in need! I just keep reading and researching, but at the same time, I can hardly stand it. My advice about the research is stop when you've got enough information for whatever you need to be immediately completing. Then go back to it! You can always revise if you get done and then find that golden answer you're looking for.

    As stressed as you are, you might throw some yoga into your Spring Break mix! GoInside is a great studio here in Conway and the first class is free. Might help you catch your breath a bit.

    Not sure how this comment got so long, but what IS tyromancy?

  4. I have to say, I've been totally impressed and inspired by having you in class. As busy as I tend to feel, I can only imagine how your life must be! Keep pushing, because you've definitely got the stuff for it. You're ideas reflect the maturity and experience you have over most of the rest of us - definitely take advantage.

  5. Meleah, Thanks for the advise on researching (and yoga!). I have fibromyalgia, so yoga is definitely a good thing for me to do--it's just a matter of squeezing it in. I would love to check out the place in Conway sometime! Thnx for the rec.

    Hannah, you are just tooooooo sweet! I love being with all you youngsters too! Makes me feel younger than I really am--and I think that's probably a necessary quality for a writer to have--at least in the way of keeping up with trends/culture/news/issues, etc. We must know what's relevant, so I love being with you guys too! ;)
